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How do you measure Success?

When we think of success, we start listing names of people like Bill Gates, Barrack Obama, Queen Elizabeth, Kobe Bryant, our mentors and sometimes even our parents. But what does success actually mean?

Do you measure success by money, power, influence, or something completely different?

Success can mean different things to different people. For some people, being successful means that you have the fiscal means to do as you please while for others success means having your thoughts be heard. Whatever you deem as success ultimate is your motivation, your drive, and your push to achieve your dreams.

A year ago, if you were to ask me about what my goals and aspirations were, I would tell you that I would be graduating from UC Davis with a degree in Economics and History while going straight into working for a major league sports team right out of college. I had everything planned out and that was my path to success. I wanted to be GM by 30 of any sports team and eventually own my own team (Little Leagues count too!). Since then, many things have changed and in 6 months, my path completely changed. (You can read more about my path here.) Since then, I have not only switched industries a few times, but picked up a new role in a location that I told myself I would never live in.

I am a recruiter for a financial firm in Los Angeles.

Never would I ever guess that those words would come out of my mouth but here I am closing in month 5 and loving my job more than ever. The people that I have met here, the lessons that I have learned, and the people I have taught, I would not change a single thing for the world.

Did I obtain "success"?

Well let's see...

1. Am I making more money? Not really. 2. Am I in a position of power? Maybe. 3. Do I have an influence? Yes. 4. Am I happy? Absolutely.

Did I obtain success? Perhaps.

I think I'm heading the right way though. 2015 has been a rough year for me; I lost loved ones, relationships, friends, money, and much more but I have learned and gained much more that it all works out eventually.

I would not change any of my experiences or failures for anything because without them, I would have never discovered that I can do things other than sales. I am a thousand times stronger than I would have ever anticipated. As I keep learning and improving, I continue to challenge myself and those around me to become the most successful they can be. I measure success by my personal accomplishments, how do you measure it?

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